Sep 05,2017
Ultimate Frisbee is more than just a sport for Steve and Nicky Gangemi.“It’s actually how we met,” Nicky said. “We moved into Ingleburn and found the closest place to play Ultimate was over one hour away.
“We had both been playing frisbee for over 10 years each and we wanted to keep playing, so we thought we’d do something about it.”
So the pair started South West Ultimate.
The league has grown from a few friends playing in a park in Minto in 2015 to more than 70 people from Cabramatta to Campbelltown who play in a Thursday night competition at at Woodward Park.
So what’s the secret to throwing a good frisbee?
“It’s all in the wrist,” said Nicky, who is a former junior Australian player. “People think you need a big wind-up using your whole body, but the secret is you just need to flick your wrist.”
The Spring Tournament kicks-off on September 14 and runs for seven weeks. The cost is $45 per person.
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